Fall Sports Senior Leaders
MURRAY, NEB – Conestoga fall sports are almost at an end. Throughout the season the seniors and coaches have worked together to keep their teams strong and successful.
The seniors in XC this year are Kaden S., Joe V., and Ethan A. Joe is a new student this year and contributed to XC running his hardest. “Cross country is a very mental challenging sport and when completed it makes you feel very accomplished,” said Joe.

Joe believes that to be a senior leader you should have people willing to listen to you and respect you. As well as having a good attitude and being able to support your classmates when it is really needed. “I would say running cross country is fun and it is hated more than it should be, the feeling of completing a run and getting the feeling that you really did that, is amazing.”
Seniors that contribute to volleyball are Sophia T., Amelia G., Sophia A., and Catherine R. Sophia T. is the team’s libero. On Sept. 30, she broke the school record for the most digs in a game, 26. On Oct. 6, she beat that record, completing 44 digs in a game against Fall City.
Sophia believes that you have to have integrity, tenacity, empathy, and an open mind in order to lead a team. “I love the atmosphere on the court and the intense mindset volleyball puts me in,” she exclaimed.
Ayden S., Jayden W., Carter P., Lucas A., Pelayo B., Gage T., Kieran S., and Lorenzo I., lead the football team.
Conestoga seniors from the co-op softball team with Louisville are MacKaylee M., Emory T., and Ali G. “I enjoy playing softball because it comes with the good feeling of being part of a group effort. Practicing with the group has given me so many new friends, especially through the co-op,” said Emory.
Emory believes that to be a great senior leader, you have to have enough confidence to have a voice as a leader and voice your opinion. “It takes someone who isn’t afraid to constantly give 100% effort and go the extra mile in practices and games to set an example and expectation for the younger team members,” Emory stated.
Athletic director and Assistant Principal Cole Wills has a lot to say about seniors and how they have been leading their team. Wills stated, “The seniors are doing a great job leading their team and I’m proud that the seniors have brought the teams to the point that they are at now.”

Ava is a Sophomore this year at Conestoga High School. This is her first year in journalism. Ava also participates on the schools’ volleyball, soccer,...