Walking in a Winter of Washing Hands
The Winter Sports Season is Finally Here, But So Are New Covid-19 Protocols.
Lane Fox navigates the floor in a Dec. 2019 game. In order for games to be played this season, new Covid-19 protocols will be enforced.
MURRAY, NEB.–As Conestoga activities prepare for their winter seasons, there are many concerns about the status of attendance at school events. While all seasons will be held despite coronavirus concerns, there are certain protocols that have been put in place in order for the 2020-21 winter sports season to take place.
The stands won’t look the same for Cougar activities this year, as Covid-19 guidelines have forced schools to limit attendance, along with standard social distancing. All winter event attendance are currently limited to two household members per athlete competing, with the exception of the Cougar Classic (one household member). There will be strict social distancing guidelines set into place, similar with those used for fall sports. Fans are only allowed to be in the stands while their family member is competing, a rule that athletic director Jason Ahrens says the school will be very adamant on.
Along with social distancing and limited attendance, all fans are expected to wear masks during events. Players and coaches will also be equipped with masks at all times. Masks have just become an everyday reality for most of our lives, and no one can vouch for that statement more than the players and coaches. Through practices, coaches and players have had to compete and instruct all while being masked. While masks and other precautions may seem tedious, they will be the deciding factors for a full season of winter sports.
For the Cougar fans who are unable to attend games, there will be live streams of events on the Conestoga Broadcasting YouTube channel. The channel covers all home events and there is no fee to watch.
Ahrens hopes that all people will follow the new guidelines so that Conestoga’s athletes can showcase their abilities.
In the words of Mr. Ahrens, “Protect yourself, protect others, protect our seasons.”