Conestoga FBLA Takes on State!
Conestoga’s FBLA members participated in an online state competition this year
Sophomore, Jagger Plevel looks dapper in a tie at the state FBLA contest!
Murray, NEB.-On March 11th the Conestoga FBLA organization took the day off from school, but not from business. The group traveled to Murray Christian Church to take part in the annual state competition. Normally the competition takes place in Kearney, Nebraska but due to the pandemic it was held online for the first time. FBLA members took a total of three exams. Each exam had a total of 100 questions.
Members wore a tie during the tests for good luck and to look snazzy. After each test the FBLA squad played fun board games such as Code Names, Monopoly and Pictionary. FBLA member Makenzie Jones had a great time at state. Makenzie said “My favorite part about state was playing games and spending time with my friends and participating in the journalism portion of the test.”
When it came to state preparation FBLA members studied various Quizlets and documents. Sophia Ackerman said, “To prepare for FBLA I studied Quizlets over each subject and used practice tests provided by Mr. Brokaw. I think I did pretty good. They were not necessarily hard, but they were so easy that I might have over-thought some of them.”
The FBLA members have high hopes in placing in state. Due to the competition taking place online contestants won’t know their results until the end of April.

Jagger “Jagdaddy” Plevel is a junior at Conestoga. He enjoys writing articles and conducting interviews with personnel around the school. Jagger's...