FFA Seniors Earn State Degrees
Murray NEB.––Conestoga’s six FFA seniors cultivated their way to earn six state degrees. Kaitlyn Taylor, the advisor for FFA said, “A state degree is something that seniors can earn if they have been in FFA for more than two years. They have had to invest or make $3,000 in agricultural sales. It could be anything from working at Platte River, working for food service, working on a farm, mowing etc.”
Furthermore, she added “They also have to attend a variety of FFA events such as FFA chapter events, charity events etc. They also have to have 2 years of AG classes.”
Ms.Taylor also mentioned it’s pretty rare to have that many seniors in FFA. “This class has been awesome, even though I have only been here for two years they have had a ton of effort and six seniors is the most we’ve had in a long time.”
FFA State Degrees are a prestigious award given out to the best of the best. Ms.Taylor is hoping that more kids will join FFA so that the success will continue to grow.

Jagger “Jagdaddy” Plevel is a junior at Conestoga. He enjoys writing articles and conducting interviews with personnel around the school. Jagger's...