Show Your Pride for the Pink Ribbon
The Annual Pink-Out Football Game of the Year!
Keaghon C. takes the field while the cheerleaders cheer the team on.
MURRAY, NEB- This game was definitely one for the memory book. Conestoga’s annual pink-out football game occurred on the night of Friday, Oct. 8. Everyone was ready to cheer loudly with all of their pink-out gear, and in this year’s pink-out shirt that you could buy through the school’s FFA chapter. This game also happened to be the last home football game of the year, sadly. However, it was full of events aside from the football game we had all been waiting for!
To start off, the pink-out game was against Conestoga’s close rival, Elmwood-Murdock. Students were all prepared to go in and show their school spirit for the football team during the game. Conestoga’s cheerleaders were, of course, waiting to dazzle the crowd with their spectacular cheers to get everyone up and pumped. During halftime a lot happened. First off, the amazing cross-country team was recognized as their season is coming to an end soon. After that, the dance team wowed fans with their high-energy special pink-out dance, to a song titled “Ladies Mix.” Next up was the performance of the Jr./Sr. High marching band. They brought out their field performance that they competed with at Palmyra just days before the football game. They all really were astonishing!
Along with the cross country team being recognized, and after the marching band performed, the junior high football team was also acknowledged. Lastly, the final people to be recognized during halftime were Conestoga’s lovely seniors since this football game was also the “Senior Night.” They were appreciated at the game for all of their hard working and positive attitudes that they have shown throughout the beginning of this school year. Conestoga will definitely miss them once this school year comes to a close.
The game ended at a score of 52-8, leaving Elmwood-Murdock with a win. The people of Conestoga will always be proud of their football players though, by always cheering for their teams, and keeping up their school spirit! During this game, even though Conestoga didn’t win, everyone also made sure they were aware we’re not just fighting for our school’s pride, but for whoever is struggling with the effects of breast cancer. This pink-out game was truly a hit. Go cougars, and always fight for the pink ribbon!