Life without Music would B♭
Conestoga Band RecievesSuperior Rating at Oxbow Marching Band Competion
Murray, NEB-On Saturday, Oct. 16 the Conestoga marching band competed at the Oxbow marching band competition, winning the team a superior rating in Division 1. On the beautiful day of the competition the marching band members were ecstatic and ready to bring home a trophy, and they did! Apart from bringing home trophies the band does so much more, such as supporting their sports teams, playing at school concerts and marching at football games.
To prepare for their competitions or concerts the band practices diligently with either early practice, after school practice or weekend practice. “I think competitions are great. Not only do they help us get better they also allow us to see our band family” Bella G, a band student at Conestoga exclaimed. You can tell that the band members really are a family just how they are always willing to help each other at practice and how they interact with each other.” They have had a really successful year so far. Let’s wish them luck for the rest of the year. Good luck Cougars!
Isabella Rodriguez is a freshman at Conestoga. This is her first year on the newspaper staff. She is very excited to learn more about journalism and how...