Lights, Camera, Action!
One Act Takes the Stage
The cast poses after a practice performance.
Murray, NEB – Information shared by Jessica Schlichtemeier indicates that his year’s One Act show is “Ago” by Mandy Conner. This play includes the main character Keraguan, “Kera.” She is to be initiated into her tribe of healers. But, when the ceremony nears, Kera begins to question her place in the tribe and will possibly turn out like her mother who left when Kera was a child. She then is surprised to find out the dark truth of her family. What makes her different might only be her strength.
Leading the cast is senior Lindee W. as Kera. Senior Addie A. plays Kera’s grandmother, Oumamarie. Junior Delany D. fills the role of Bepa, Kera’s successful older sister. Junior Gage T. plays Bepa’s husband and village shaman, Uza. Senior Wyatt R. acts as Ya, Kera’s love interest. And Junior Ella L. fills the role of Ma’Duo, the village crazy woman. While trying to uncover the village secrets, Kera encounters the tribe’s ancestors played by senior Hannah L., sophomore Dani A., and freshman Averie A. Along with the beast of burden played by senior Abby N. Finishing up the cast is the tribal ensemble made up of seniors Chloe C., Shelby C., Angelina F., Lachlan S., Malin W., and junior Makenzie J.
Twelve One Act students are a part of the production as stage crew. Crew members include seniors Bella B., and Allison L. For juniors there are Jayden S., and Karissa N. Sophomores are John M., Richard C., and Xavier V. Then there are freshman Ryleigh H., and eighth graders Hannah B., and Gail H.
The cast and crews will perform on Tuesday, November 9 at the Schuyler One Act Festival, followed by their home performance on Thursday, November 11. Doors will open at 6 p.m. for the annual dinner theatre with the show starting at 7 p.m. The cost will be $4 for students, $5 for adults, and $8 for the dinner theatre admission. No activity passes will be accepted because this is the drama department’s fundraiser for the year.
The cast will then perform on Saturday, November 20, at the Lincoln High Festival followed by the conference tournament on Monday, November 22. Districts will take place on Monday, November 29, at Platteview High School. If the team wins districts, they will travel to Norfolk for the state tournament on Friday, December 10.
So, let’s wish One Act good luck as they are working very hard to give their best effort! If you can, go give them your support and wish them luck on their upcoming performances!