First FBLA Dodgeball Tournament A Big Success

FBLA hosted its first annual Halloween dodgeball tournament to raise money for the March of Dimes

The Tootie Fruity's Stinky Booties preparing for their match against the teachers.

Photo Courtesy of Conestoga FBLA

The Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties preparing for their match against the teachers.

Murray, NEB- Conestoga FBLA held their first annual Halloween Dodgeball tournament and it was a great success. Twelve teams entered, all dressed up in the spirit of Halloween. After many good games, it was ultimately between the Beach Boys and the Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties. Both teams played well but in the end, it was the Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties that won. Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties, made up of Jayden W., Noah S., Luke M., Tyler F., and Evan S., was dressed up as basketball players with wigs. The Dodgeball tournament was also a fundraiser for March of Dimes, a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies, and FBLA managed to raise about $315.

The winners of the Dodgeball Tournament got to play against the teachers, whose team included Nicholas Hegge, Jesse Swantek, Tony Thies, Ryan Bruns and ReAnn Schreiner. The teachers were also dressed up for Halloween, all in different types of costumes. We interviewed Swantek asking him how he was feeling about the upcoming game and he said that he was excited and that they had some good competition. Jayden W., one of the students playing, said that he was hyped for the game.

Both teams played well and it was a close competition leaving the audience on their toes. The winner was decided by a best-of-three playoff. Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties won the first game, but the teachers did not go down without a fight and won the second game. The third game was a close call but the Tootie Fruity’s Stinky Booties managed to win.