Growing Awareness for Cancer
No Shave November, a Conestoga Tradition
MURRAY, NEB.–No Shave November is a beloved Conestoga tradition. Staff from Conestoga compete in a “no shave” competition. Besides growing mustaches and beards, No Shave November helps raise money for the American Cancer Society.
This year the Conestoga FBLA team is selling adhesive mustaches to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society. These mustaches can be attached to your laptops, your water bottles or even yourself. The money that the American Cancer Society gets from fundraising goes into cancer research and patient support. These mustaches can be purchased from Mr. Brokaw, costing one dollar each.
Besides selling flashy mustaches, FBLA is doing a twitter challenge to help grow awareness. The winner of this challenge will win a pizza party for their Cougar Connections class. In this challenge, groups of students will battle it out in a twitter war, with the class receiving the most retweets will win. Each tweet must include the hashtags #CougarGrovember2020 and #NoShaveNovember.
When Mr. Brokaw was asked about what his favorite No Shave November memory was he said, “Last year the Elementary students were so excited when FBLA members came down and sold them stick-on mustaches for them to wear all day, they raised a ton of money just themselves that one day.” No Shave November is a great activity to help grow awareness for cancer. The Students and Staff do a great job of participating in the activity.

Jagger “Jagdaddy” Plevel is a junior at Conestoga. He enjoys writing articles and conducting interviews with personnel around the school. Jagger's...