Career Day Preview

MURRAY, Neb. – Career day is an annual event that takes place at Conestoga Jr/Sr High School. The day usually takes place during the closing of the third quarter and before starting the final quarter of the year.

Opportunities to look at career pathways and different jobs is very important for students of all ages. Conestoga does this annually to provide this information and help students gain perspective on what their future could look like.

Students get the opportunity to look at booths set up throughout the gym. They also get to take a deeper look into different careers by visiting various classrooms. Each room has a speaker that will provide a bit more information about their job and how to get where they are. Students will be assigned which rooms they visit and the rooms in which a student will go to will be disclosed on the day of. Classes will be shortened accordingly to fit this into the schedule.

The 2023 Career Day will take place next Wednesday. This is the last day of the third quarter. Career day will lead school off into a long weekend for this year’s spring break.