State Journalism
Journalism medalists pose for a photo.
Journalism Makes it to State
Murray, NEB- On Monday April, 24th Conestoga’s journalism state qualifiers traveled to Norfolk to compete in live competition. Isabella R, Celeste O, Jayden S, John M, and Ella S, all represented Conestoga at the on-site portion of the competition. Karissa N, Jagger P and John M also competed in the preliminary only events that were not judged during the on-site competition.
After the on-site portion of the competition was complete the state qualifiers had to wait an hour and a half before they could get their results. During awards they were feeling emotions such as nervousness and unease but the emotions eventually left as they walked up the stage to get their awards. “During the awards I was feeling nervous. I had a headache, and I was so tired,” Celeste stated.
The awards ceremony ended with good results all around. Karissa placed 2nd in Photo/Artistic Illustration, John and Pagger placed 5th in Broadcast PSA, John placed 1st in both Column Writing and Editorial Writing, Isabella placed 8th in Column Writing, Jayden placed 6th in Editorial Writing and 6th Newspaper News Writing, Celeste placed 4th in Newspaper News Writing and Ella placed 5th in Headline Writing.

Isabella R is a junior this year at Conestoga Jr/Sr High School. Isabella has been in journalism for three years. Besides being in journalism, Isabella...