Conestoga Exploring New Bond Ideas
MURRAY, Neb. – On Sunday April 30, the second of a series of community meetings was held at Conestoga Elementary. These meetings bring together community members to discuss future bond proposal ideas for the district. The meetings are spearheaded by Superintendent Mike Apple as well as the companies Boyd Jones and DLR.
It started with a short presentation covering survey results and discussions from the first meeting. Then the floor was opened to questions and large group discussion. The meeting concluded with small group discussions and a short tour of the Elementary school building.
The discussion largely centered around whether it would be a better option for the district to build an entirely new building or make expansions to the two existing buildings. The idea of constructing a new building would be costly and present challenges.
When asked what needs to be removed for a new bond proposal, one table suggested removing the daycare. This was quickly refuted by others in the room who underscored the importance of early childhood education.
More meetings are planned in the future including in the communities of Nehawka and Union as the district explores what proposal will get final approval from voters.

Jayden S. is a senior at Conestoga High School. Jayden is the President of the Senior Class, a member of the National Honor Society, Mock Trial, Speech,...