Cougar Costume Cynosure

Conestoga Allows Students to Showcase Their Costumes While They Learn

Jagger Plevel

Junior Addison Anderson’s Halloween spirit is on full display as she navigates the CHS hallways on Friday, Oct. 30. Students were allowed to wear school appropriate Halloween costumes on All Hallows’ Eve.

Murray, Neb.-This past Friday was All Hallows’ Eve, and Conestoga’s spooky spirit was in full swing. Costumes portraying all sorts of characters, both creepy and funny, were seen throughout the hallways. Students were eager to show off their trick-or-treating garments to their classmates and teachers. With the help of a little bit of pressure from students, principal Rob Geise decided to allow students to have a little bit of “normalcy” in the midst of a school year plagued by surprises and adversity.

Principal Geise, Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Lewis flaunt their festive fashion on Friday, Oct. 30 at Conestoga. Conestoga students and staff were able to dress up to celebrate the holiday. (Kelly Svanda)

Letting students dress up for Halloween was a choice that Mr. Geise said was a reward. “The Conestoga students have been doing an amazing job with all of our rules and procedures to stay in school.” said Geise. Wearing a mask at school has become a regular part of students’ everyday lives, so wearing one that may be a little scarier than usual surely couldn’t hurt. Even while following all recommended guidelines and precautions put in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students had no trouble remaining in the holiday spirit.

Students were required to stay within the policies of our dress code while dressing up for Halloween. They could not wear masks that covered their entire face and hats were allowed, but only if they were a part of a costume. Nothing that was inappropriate or disruptive to the learning environment was tolerated. Geise was pleased with the students’ costumes and says that he plans on making this an annual treat. “They deserved some fun on Halloween Eve!” said Geise. This fun new tradition, paired with other traditions such as Cougar Hollow-een or sending Boo Grams make October quite a month to be a Cougar!

Check out the Cougar Candids section of the prowl to see some of this year’s best costumes!

n. a person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration.